I remember the last time I bought my digital camera was about RM1,600. That was about 4 years ago when digital cameras was introduced not long. Now you can get better specs at 1/3 of the price.
Lately, after much thinking over and searching through the internet, I finally made up my mind to get a new digital camera.
The reason:
- My old digital camera is broken. The batteries don't work anymore, the battery lid damaged.
- I wanted to start a blog but blogging without original photos is no fun.
- I wanted to play around with photography and photoshop
- For the first time in 3 years I am going for a holiday! And I'm going to sit aeroplane for the 1st time!
- I am graduating and am urgent to take some photos for remembrances.
- I am starting to admire nature's art and have the urge to snap up beautiful image for admiration.
- I am leaving my friends, and may or may not meet them anymore after graduation. These are the last few months that I would be spending my time with them.
- The list goes on...to bore you.

My first choice was a Nikon S510 which cost Rm800 under promotions, but my friend,
Yi Chong recommended Fujifilm F480 or F50fd which fulfills all my need of high
ISO, good Image Stabilizer and great colours! Not forgetting economical!

However after much soughting the whole Melaka, I only can conclude that these 2 cameras are not available. Not available as in you can't see the physical model then and there when you want. Not available as in none of the shops in Melaka is selling these 2 models unless you pre-order. Which also means, you can't get it at a bargain price.

At last, it had been 3 months since I started searching for my ideal camera and I was getting quite frustrated. I was thinking of settling down with the
Nikon S510 but then I was this similar model S51 selling at the same price. I consulted Yi Chong again for his opinion. After much discussion to and fro, I decided, if I'm not going to buy a camera by this week, I ain't gonna buy any this year at all.
I made some trips again around
Pakard Shops and
Fotokem in Melaka namely in
Giant and
Mahkota Parade to search for the best bargain in town. Finally, I got this Nikon S51 Coolpix for RM800 from Pakard Shop in Tesco Melaka. You can read more of the camera features
P/S: This photo was taken online because I can't take the camera's body can I? ^.^;;